Ranks :
1) - Prophet -
2)League Administrator
3)League Manager
.ladderban Gives an account ban.
.penalty Gives a penalty
.vouchees Here you can see the vouchees from a voucher moder ,etc.
.unladderban Gives an account unban
.unban Gives unban
.removewarn Gives a warn
.warn add a warn
.untimeban Untimeban a person who was banned
.kick Kick a person from the room
.warninfo You can see the warninfo from a user
.ban Ban a person from the room
.removetruant Removes the truant from a user
.warn Gives a warn to a user
.timeban[user][hours][reason] Gives a timeban .
.demote Demote a user to host,member etc.
.promote Promote a user to host,leader etc.
.vouch Gives the chance to a user to play game
.unvouch Takes back the change to a user to play game
.channelinfo You can see the users in the room
.truant Truant a person if he didn't join the game
.compare Compares between two persons
.teams You can see the teams from the game
.version You can see the game version
.ladderinfo You can see the account info.
.ann You can write an announcement
.penaltyinfo you can see your penalty info.
.challenge You can challenge a person
.listpool You can see the players who signed in.
9) Host
.info "gamename" .Gives you the detail of this game.
.abort Abort a game
.extend Gives the game extra time .
.deny Deny a challenge.
.listplayers You can see the players who signed in the startgame
.mode You can see the mode of game
.startgame You can start a game.
.pm You can pm som1
.whois You can see who is this user.
.stats You can see your stats(wins,looses,exp)
.teams You can see the teams .(Sentinel,ScourgE)
.bottom Here you can see the ppl with low exp.
.top Here you can see the ppl with high exp.
.lastgame Here you can see your last game.
.whoami Here you can see who are you.(rank,stats etc.)